If a kingdom is divided against itself, it cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, it cannot stand. Mark 3:24-25 In these words of wisdom, Yeshua can easily demonstrate to us what we are capable of doing in a body of believers and in Yahweh’s house. Torah for Women gets a lot of negative feedback from certain people because of some of the blog posts or comments that are written on TorahForWomen.com and the social media profile page. Sadly, every single one of those conflicts comes from someone who has left a Christian church in the past 5-8 years and has now vowed that all Christians are heathens that are lost in their “pagan, fake church,” as they label it. Often times, these people who proclaim they follow Yeshua, will also imply that all Christians are beyond saving because of their unwillingness to see "the evil ways" of the denomination they continue follow. Seriously. . .is that what you believe? Have you taken a moment to think to yourself, “Where did I just come out from and how long has it been since I crossed over to the Torah Movement?” I would also encourage you to ask, why did you decide to leave what you once thought was "the truth", and now here you are following a Torah observant life? Why? What made you decide? Take a few minutes and seriously look at your reasons. I have seen countless people declare they have been called out to help repair the breech, build up the kingdom of Yahweh, but how can you go around claiming that is your calling when you continue to have such lack of compassion and kindness toward your fellow believers? And YES, they are believers. They believe in Abba (the father), in Messiah (Yeshua, as their Savior or as many call him, Jesus), and they believe in the Ruach HaChodesh (The Holy Spirit). Is there more for them to learn? Yes, of course, but there is also more for you to learn. I can testify to this because I have not yet learned all that Yahweh has to teach me, either. You cannot Condemn Christians, Messianics, Jews, or any faithful follower of Yeshua by saying that there is no teaching them, no hope for them, that they will never be saved, and you are giving up on them. What of Paul? Look at his life - participating in the murder of a disciple, tormenting Yeshua’s followers, lost in his pharisaic traditions, yet HE was able to be saved. Yes, it took a vision on the road to Damascus. Yet, he was reachable, wasn’t he? Now ask yourself, have you become the OLD Paul, the persecutor, or the RENEWED Apostle Paul who taught the truth to the churches??? Which do you want to be? Most will say that the reason they started to question their previous denomination was because something felt wrong, doctrines seemed skewed, and they may have recognized that some traditions seemed against the bible’s teachings, such as ignoring His feast days. How long were you there in that denomination, though? Were you raised in it? Was it an adult decision to join that church? Did you enter it through marriage, or maybe some other reason. Were you in your denomination for years, or were you a church jumper, jumping from church to church searching for truth. What I would like for you to recognize is that Yahweh was able to touch YOUR heart regardless of your circumstance, so why can’t he touch the hearts of those you left behind? If Yahweh afforded you understanding, grace and forgiveness, isn’t it likely that he could afford your former friends, former church members or relatives that same love? Please do not mistake my conversation for condemnation - that is not what I am expressing. I am concerned that as we go through this journey there will continue to be some that will make the divide bigger by the unwillingness to change their stern thinking & closed minds. Too many may continue in their unwillingness to allow Yahweh to soften their own hearts, so that they can be used to lovingly reach out to those who are stuck in vague or false traditions. The condemnation, and persecution needs to stop - it is like an earthquake that is shaking the foundation of a great and powerful building, and that shaking is making the fault line open and the DIVIDE grow bigger. At some point you run the risk of making that divide becoming so wide that people who want to cross over will be blocked by the gap you created. A person who believes they were called to bridge the gap, in order to help people, the person who proclaims they are a Torah Observant follower, needs to examine their heart, their motive and how they approach and treat people. Instead of going down that road of persecution, of hate, and condemnation, why not ask yourself, honestly, “How can I best touch the hearts of others and how can I reach them, or teach them? If I continue to yell condemnation at them and accuse them of not knowing who the real Messiah is, will I touch their hearts or build up a wall of bitterness? Then also ask Yahweh, “Please, Abba, guide me and direct me how to teach others so that you may soften their hearts and fill their minds with your great truths.” Pray this while remembering that you, too, were once in that “heathen” place you now so loudly condemn. Blessings and Shalom. . . . Audio Blog Now AvailableDivision in the Body of Christ
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Lead Author (Bio)Yehudit (Judith) Associate Author
Jim, (Judi's husband), has Sephardi Jewish ancestry and is a minister and head of Shofar Productions. Jim was a denominational pastor, hospital chaplain, and former director of a non-profit community organization. Archives
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