![]() More and more often there are reports amongst believers these days claiming there is no revival in the Scriptures and that there will only be a great falling away. These people will deny the existence and the power of revival as well as deny the Spirit’s ability to take part in this end time event in the lives of those who seek it. They forget that the Spirit has already come and has never left us. He still operates today as he operated in the past, but he is looking for people that are hungry for more. Oddly, this teaching and belief that denies revival, has come from those who have actually come out from what many may label as a “dead” church, one that does not exhibit the gifts and does not move in them. Yet while in that church, they themselves had experienced a great move in their own hearts. This move then prompted their journey back to scripture where they now study the word out deeper than they ever had before. In doing so, they have been immersed in what is obviously a "REVIVAL" of Yahweh’s Spirit inside of their own spirit where they seek even more. If there is NO end time revival then what happened within them? Weren’t they “REVIVED”? For several decades many prophetic voices have been predicting a great shaking will come - in America, in the world, and also in the church. These same prophetic people have been saying there would also be an end time revival. Now deniers are emerging right and left claiming these words are false, a lie, claiming there will NOT be an end time revival, but only a falling away, a “great falling away” that will happen. As people are seeing healings, and a stirring of the gifts, more and more deniers are professing that these manifestations are false and lies from the adversary. As more and more people are stirred to leave their religions or denomination and rediscover their FAITH, others are right there ready to squash that faith and proclaim manifestations of that faith are all a lie. It is important to note, that yes, according to scripture there is an end time falling away occurring amongst those who profess to be believers in Yeshua. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 talks of this and verse 3 even warns us about it. “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; . . .” and again in 1 Timothy 4:1 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” Yet, the interesting part is that even with many departing the faith there is also revival happening. Several mainstream churches are seeing their youth come alive and live up to the first century believers in Acts 2:17, “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: . . .” Young men and young women all over America are prophesying about things they see happening in the church. They are coming forth with words about what is happening in our courts and to families, marriage, and also against their peers. These young people are jumping in with both feet, and calling their peers to return back to Yahweh. Little children are praying for people and people are being healed. Something is happening and it’s called REVIVAL. This love for their Abba is having a domino effect and reaching the older crowds as well. They are being touched by the sweet innocence of the spirit stirred in the youth and children as they return to Yahweh. So as time goes by, and the world is changing so quickly, as families and traditional beliefs are attacked right and left, we should recognize that these young people are a fulfillment of the Word that was given so long ago. Recognize their spiritual potential, study the Word for ourselves, and be ready to train them up in the way they should go. Revival is happening, folks, and you can either continue to deny it, or you can help it spread in the hopes that as many as possible will be reached by Yahweh’s truth. "If it is from God [which I believe it is], you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God!" Acts 5:39 Blessings and Shalom. Audio Blog Now AvailableIs there revival or falling away? Comments are closed.
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Lead Author (Bio)Yehudit (Judith) Associate Author
Jim, (Judi's husband), has Sephardi Jewish ancestry and is a minister and head of Shofar Productions. Jim was a denominational pastor, hospital chaplain, and former director of a non-profit community organization. Archives
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